Other researchers of urban fishers
We are gathering a network of other scholars who share our interest in exploring the social dynamics of urban fishing. Here we share other current research projects on urban fishing.

Image courtesy of Noëlle Boucquey
Noëlle Boucquey and Jessie Fly, Tampa Bay, Florida, USA
1) What is your topic of research?
With the Tampa Bay Urban Fishing Project, we are leading an investigation into the ways fishers use urban shore fishing spaces (piers, jetties, parks, bridges, etc.) around Tampa Bay, FL, USA. We're interested in the socio-ecological relationships that develop in these spaces and the potential sociocultural, mental, and nutritional benefits that shore fishers derive from fishing.
2) What social science theories or methods do you use?
We are using a mixed-methods approach informed by theory in human geography and anthropology. Thus far, we have employed social and observational surveys, participant observation, and interviews as our primary methods. We are also in the process of conducting archival research with historical newspaper articles on fishing as well as analyzing social media conversations around urban fishing. We are currently analyzing our work using commoning, political ecology, assemblage, and feminist theories of caring relations as key theoretical lenses.
3) What is the most important finding of your research on urban fisheries?
We feel that our most important finding to date has to do with how diverse urban fishing spaces are: they are some of the most economically, socially, racially, and ecologically diverse spaces in the city, and this makes for a lot of really interesting benefits and tensions that emerge (for example, extensive sharing of fish and fishing knowledge but also tensions over belonging and access to spaces and resources).
4) What is your own relationship to (urban) fishing?
We are both novice fishers ourselves (which makes for a lot of interesting conversations!). Dr. Boucquey has experience studying commercial and recreational fishing, marine spatial planning, and coastal tourism. Dr. Fly has experience studying aquaculture, food insecurity, and sustainable livelihoods.
Read more about their project here and explore Boucquey’s urban fishing projects here.